Calf Bill of Rights
“An ounce of Lawley’s supplementation, better than a pound of cure.”
Our slogan, a play on the wise old saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” represents the ideas behind the development of Genuine Lawley’s Products.
Lawley’s Calf Bill of Rights
We, the conscientious Calf-Raisers of America, believe that all calves are born with certain rights.
- All calves have the right to be free from over-medication.
- All calves have the right to quality grain and clean water.
- All calves have the right to clean and dry bedding.
- All calves have the right to high quality nutrition.
- All calves have the right to be fed Genuine Lawley’s Nutritional Products.
The “Calf Bill of Rights” advertising campaign came about as an extension of Mr. Lawley’s philosophy concerning calf-raising techniques. He stressed the need for gentle care, good sanitation practices and proper nutrition.
With these guidelines, the calf will have the best possible advantages to help it avoid unnecessary illness and to grow rapidly in comfortable surroundings.
We at Lawley’s believe that the calf is more likely to develop into a well conditioned and highly productive milk cow if it has experienced as few sick days as possible.
Our products are based upon the idea of preventing unnecessary illnesses and health problems rather than having to treat them once the calf has been set back in both it’s development and growth.
Lawley’s Inc.

Warehousing | Shipping
Lawley’s Inc. warehouse is conveniently located in Stockton, CA for greater access to our customers on the west coast.
We’re fast, we’re friendly, we’re efficient. Give us a try!
PHONE :: 209-337-1170
FAX :: 209-337-1171