In the Lawley family tradition, Lawley’s continues to manufacture and distribute nutritional calf products for the dairy industry, as well as animal supplements for replacement heifers and cows, beef cattle, horses, poultry, swine and lamb/kid.

We offer custom blends and private labeling as well as warehousing and shipping services. Call for details 209-337-1170.

You owe it to yourself and your animals to give Genuine Lawley’s nutritional animal products a try. Our experienced sales team is here to serve you. For product information, please contact one of our sales representatives listed below.

Service Areas

We currently sell and deliver directly to the following states. However, if you are outside of these areas, Fed-Ex delivery is available to all states. Credit card payments accepted via phone. Contact our front office for ordering information and details at 209-337-1170.

12567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435northan californiasiutherncaliforniasouthernnevadanorthernnevada38

We service the following areas and ship to all 48 states in the continental U.S.