Experience Genuine Results with Genuine Lawley's Products
Support your hard-working horses and give them the boost they need with Lawley’s specialty equine supplement blends. Designed to deliver results, our products enhance total digestion and gut health while aiding other bodily functions to aid in quicker recoveries and overall health and performance.
Try today and experience the Lawley’s promise:
Better nutrition.
Better digestion.
Better performance.
in the Gut
Pulmonary Hemorrhage
The nervous system is a complex biological guidance system that is triggered by external and internal situations sending information and activating responses for the horse’s ultimate survival and function. The general function of the spinal cord of the horse can trigger several responses to the environment innately. The spinal cord also acts as an intermediary between the brain and other parts of the body.
Thin nerve fibers called axons are responsible for carrying impulses away from a nerve cell (neuron) to another neuron. Dendrites, tree-like structures that emerge from the neuron cell body, become stimulated by other neurons and carry impulses to the cell body. These cells use a chemical combination of sodium, chloride, calcium and potassium to help bridge the gap between each other when sending or receiving an impulse.*
*The complex nervous system can benefit from nutritional supplements above general feeding practices. Lawley’s horse supplements help “bridge the gap” improve the messaging your horse needs to make immediate decisions while performing and competing.
in the Gut
Research has shown that inflammation is a common factor for dysregulating the gut biome. Inflammatory conditions, such as autoimmune activation, often feature intestinal dysbiosis and concomitant chronic infections. In additional immune responses, helper T-cells play a very important role in modulating immunity by activating B cells to secrete antibodies and macrophage coupled with activating T-cells to kill targeted pathogens and mycotoxins. Therefore, nutritional strategies that work to improve upon gut function and GI immunity are pivotal in reducing and normalizing inflammatory responses for a successful immune response.*
*Lawley’s equine supplementation provides several proprietary immune modulators such as beta glucans, colostrum for natural antibodies, animal plasma, antioxidants, probiotics and proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain, pancreatin and serrapeptase as they all possess potent anti-inflammatory effects.
Pulmonary Hemorrhage
Lawley’s equine products help prevent and lessen the severity of bleeders in performance horses. This is achieved by enhancing nitric oxide bioavailability from improving endothelial and bone marrow functions, resulting in a speedy response and recovery from injury sustained in the pulmonary capillary membrane. This is possible through Lawley’s proprietary blend of yeast (beta glucans and B vitamins), immunological factors, probiotics, enzymes, amino acids, exclusive vitamin and mineral formulation and inclusion of the equine industries strongest antioxidant infused supplements.
- Antioxidants prevent free radicals improving nitric oxide bioavailability
- Beta glucans, enzymes, probiotics and immune modulators improve gut health normalizing and inducing an anti-inflammatory response
- Lawleys proprietary blend optimizes your horse’s overall health improving the triple helix protein formation of collagen through increased nutrient absorption and protein assimilation improving endothelial cell and bone marrow health. This results in improved maintenance of the circulatory system, therefore, preventing the bleeding or severity of bleeding in performance horses
Hard-keeping horses often struggle to put on or maintain weight. In many cases, feeding the highest quality feeds adds greater costs and still fails to achieve the desired results. Lawley’s proprietary supplementation uses information gathered through years of investigation and research to combat this struggle in the equine industry at an affordable cost.
Lawley’s products target health through gut immunity and feed utilization, improving appetite and delivery of nutrients needed to achieve optimal weight gain and conditioning. Whether it be poor gut health or high levels of stress preventing adequate weight gain, Lawley’s genuine products guarantee optimal weight gain and sustained body conditioning or your money back!
Fly control is an important management practice for horse owners. Various types of flies are incessant biters resulting in increased levels of stress and open the doors for secondary diseases. Horseflies are the vectors for more than 35 horse diseases, including equine infectious anemia.
Insecticides and repellants can be effective against these pests. Larvicide such as Clarifly are extremely effective if used correctly with the addition of insecticides.
Lawley’s products can add Clarifly for better fly control practices to any supplement to kill larvae in the manure before they can become breeding adults.
Find the Product That's Right For You

Nutrients Plus for Horses
Optimize appetite, feed utilization, and prevent stress in all horses

Racing Formula
Formulated to enhance feed nutrient absorption, increased energy, and recovery in all racehorses

Sport Formula
Formulated to enhance feed nutrient absorption, increased energy, and recovery in high-stress performance horses.

Formulated to enhance blood cell health, body maintenance, gut health, and immune health in performance horses.

Himalayan Salt Lick
This rock salt lick is 100% natural and contains 84 valuable minerals for your livestock’s need for a healthy, nutrient-balanced diet.

Proud Official Feed Supplement Sponsor of the US Team Roping Championships

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